Hiking and Biking on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula
Local Trails
The hiking and biking trails of the Kenai Peninsula offer access to many exquisite natural habitats, often with incredible wildlife viewing opportunities including Eagles nesting.
Browns Lake area has many trails leading to scenic viewing:
- Kenai Mountains
- Killey River
- Aurora Lake
- The beautiful Kenai River
There are many miles of paved bike/walking trails in the Kenai Peninsula's Soldotna/Funny River area to enjoy.
Many biking groups are seen along the 75 mile picturesque Sterling Hwy route to Homer. Paved bike/walking paths are alongside Kalifornsky Beach Road and the Kenai Spur Hwy leading to the City of Kenai.

Killey River Trail

For the more difficult and popular trails try any of the following:
- Russian Lake Trail 21 mi long at Mile 52 Sterling Hwy
- Fuller Lake Trail 4.5 mi long at Mile 57 Sterling Hwy
- Kenai River Trail 2.5 mi long at Skilak Loop Rd.
- Tsalteshi Trails behind Skyview High School
- Johnson Pass Trail 23 mi long at Resurrection camp ground Mile 40 Seward Hwy.
- Skilak Lookout Trail 2.5 miles long at approximately Mile 4 Skilac Loop Rd.
- Resurrection Pass Trail 35 miles long, 2500ft. Elevation..! Wow for beauty.
At Mile 52 of the Sterling Hwy at the Kenai River bridge.